- Unlimited first-time guest passes
- 3 $19 return guest passes per year
- 50% off Learn the Ropes & Intro to Climbing classes
- 50% off all Learn Series classes
- Discounts on Progression Series classes & workshops
- Free group fitness classes
- Monthly Member Nights + 4 free guest passes on these nights (no gear included)
- 10% off retail (food & apparel)
- Free Wellness Blueprint membership, a virtual on-demand fitness platform
- Free rentals
- Complimentary Climbing or Fitness Consultation
- Unlimited first-time guest passes
- 3 $19 return guest passes per year
- 50% off Learn the Ropes & Intro to Climbing classes
- 50% off all Learn Series classes
- Discounts on Progression Series classes & workshops
- Free group fitness classes
- Monthly Member Nights + 4 free guest passes on these nights (no gear included)
- 10% off retail (food & apparel)
- Free Wellness Blueprint membership, a virtual on-demand fitness platform
- Free rentals
- Complimentary Climbing or Fitness Consultation
Monthly members may freeze their membership for any reason (travel, etc) for a maximum of 3 months per calendar year. Unused freeze months do not roll over to a subsequent calendar year. The 3 month freeze maximum may only be exceeded for the following life events: (1) upon receipt of a written physician’s recommendation that the member cannot physically make use of Brooklyn Boulders facilities, or (2) in the event of a pregnancy. The maximum freeze for a pregnancy is 10 months, and 6 months for all other requests accompanied by a physician’s recommendation.
Freezes may only begin on the first day of the month via the aforementioned communication notice. The freeze fee is $10 per frozen month (no fee will be charged for medical or pregnancy related freezes with written physician documentation) and the monthly membership dues automatically resume at the end of the freeze period.
Annual Memberships cannot be frozen with the following exceptions (1) upon receipt of a written physician’s recommendation indicating that the member cannot physically make use of Brooklyn Boulders facilities for 4 months or longer, for which the maximum allowed suspension time is 6 months; or (2) in the event of a pregnancy with proof thereof, for which the maximum allowed suspension time is 10 months.
Annual Members may transfer any remaining prepaid portion of an annual membership to another guest. This must be coordinated through our Membership Team in writing through the website request form at
Suspension or cancellation requests must be submitted in writing through the change request form 15 days prior to your next billing cycle. Your request is logged as received when you receive a confirmation email upon form submission. Verbal requests will not be honored. Please retain a copy of your confirmation email. Hold fees may be waived for medical- or pregnancy-related freezes only with written physician documentation. Hold fees will not be waived retroactively.
What’s the difference between suspending and canceling?
Suspending (a.k.a. freezing, pausing) is a temporary pause of your membership, which will allow you to preserve your current rate and avoid paying a reactivation fee to rejoin. It makes sense for you to suspend if you'll only be away a short while and you know when you'll be returning.
Canceling (a.k.a. terminating) your membership would cancel the current terms of your membership, so if you plan on returning later on, it would be under a new membership agreement and possibly at a different rate. It makes sense for you to cancel if you're not sure when you plan to return to BKB or if you'll be away for 4 months or more.
If you have credit on your BKB account, your credit will remain on your account in the event of suspension or termination. Your credit never expires.
In the event of a qualifying exception (please review your membership agreement for the full list), we can waive your suspension fee. Documentation required.

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